Category: Jet City Rock N Roll

Really Being in a Band…Why Would Anyone Do This To Themselves?

Really Being in a Band…Why Would Anyone Do This To Themselves? by: Andrea Jasek (Thank you Glenn Cannon of Windowpane for the topic idea). As I sat around wondering what to write about for my first (of many) blogs, a buddy of mine suggested that the topic be about what it’s really like being in […]

Producing, Editing, and Interviewing

Hey gang, Apologies on the lack of blogs. Lots of cool things on the horizon for The Adarna.  We took the time over the holidays to really hone in on some specific things such as: 1) Stuffing our faces with food.  Then seeing family.  Crying about gaining weight because of stuffing our faces.  Taking solace with […]

Tip for Musicians: Guard Your Livelihood

A familiar sadness fills our hearts every time we see bands posting that their gear was stolen out of their van. Sure, you can insure your gear or, even better, have van insurance that also covers the contents of the van (follow this link for quotes from van insurance brokers). While that might replace the […]

The Adarna and Yuji

Happy early Cinco de Mayo kittens, Chozen, Yuji Okumoto We wanted to give you something awesome to geek about with us…  Do you guys remember the bad-guy Japanese kid from “Karate Kid 2?”   He was whooping Daniel-san’s ass and taking the babe for himself in the final scene. Just then, somehow, to an orchestra […]