The Adarna on The Beery Traveler

The Adarna Featured on The Beery Traveler

The Adarna join Ian Hoglund and Sean Weiland from the Beery Traveler as one of their musical guests via Zoom.  William, Andreka, Oliver, and Murdock sample some beers and cocktails, share some stories, talk shop, and a tune from their upcoming album (new album you say?!?)  So crack a beer and check out this video of The Adarna's interview.   Learn about where the "Jet City Rock" term comes from, hear how The Adarna are handling COVID-19, and hear about The Adarna's Hinder Tour. #GinGetsYouBackIn

Apologies on the sound being off but we wish y'all the best all the same!  To see the original Facebook live footage, click here.