Category: Jet City Rock

Tomorrow May Never Come tour dates announced!

We’re very excited to announce the tour dates for The Adarna’s Tomorrow May Never Come Tour and the unveiling of Adarna 2.0!   We’re kicking off the tour with the music video release for “Sugar.”  We have a lot of people to thank for making this music video possible including our highly energetic crowd, fans, and talented skaters (Jerrick […]

Featured: Tastes Like Rock Magazine

Aw shucks, we got featured in Taste Like Rock!  [Direct Link Here]  Quite an honor! Rock Lives! The Adarna – Jet City Rock At Its FinestBy Deborah MeadePosted 12/5/13 11:41 PM ET Hidden away in the Pacific Northwest is an incredible band, The Adarna.  Born in Seattle, Washington and expanding their reach across the United […]